Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Teaware roundup!

This is my modest teaware collection. I will be going through each item individually, With what I use it for.
Above is my tea strainer and the cup I keep it in. The strainer came with a ceramic tea set that I no longer have the pot to, although I still have four of the six cups it came with. The cup came from a local resale shop for fifty cents.
These are my eighty-eight cent diner-ish mugs. That very slight taper makes them perfect for grampa style. They are also decent quality, Albeit not very fancy, they are not for fancy tea, so why care if they are?
This is my VERY EXTREMELY FAKE cheap "yixing" pot. Yes, I knew it was fake when I bought it. Still debating on whether or not to sand it down a bit to smooth it a little, it is very grainy.
This is my celadon glazed coaster from Odd Kitten Art. She has one more, with an apple logo on her store envy site. She is an awesome artist, and I am glad I purchased this coaster to help her pay her bills.
This is my $15 gaiwan that I bought at the same time as the fake "yixing". This has turned out to be a much better buy, overall.
My scale. EVERYONE, no excuses, needs one of these.
The four cups from the set that the strainer came in. they are very thin and break easily, which is why I only still have four of them, and not the pot.
My "teaspoon" and knife. I use the spoon to keep handling the tea sanitarily, and the knife is for my pu'erh cakes. It's pretty dull but has a nice thin tip for prying the leaves off.
My two DAVIDsTEA Perfect mugs. the one with the leaves is an early color changing model, and I don't use it much, because inevitably, someone leaves part of it in the sink and part of the pattern rubs off. That is why the lid doesn't have a leaf on it any more. (T_T) 
My ingenuitea gravity steeper. note the three lines, they are measurements using my three mug sizes, known as regular, medium, and big.
my three cheapy chinese restaurant cups. They are much thicker than the blue ones and are most definitely stoneware.
My antique Richi China tea pot from Japan. If anyone knows of a matching sugar/creamer, let me know, ok?
My McCormick tea pot, of an early run by Hall ceramics. chipped in a couple of places, but still has the contrasting white infuser insert. I really do not use it, I just bought it because I fell in love with the history behind it.
My kitchey rooster teapot and mugs set. It's great for herbal tisanes made from big pieces of dried fruit, because the filter holes at the spout are quite large.
Yes, an infuser tumbler. I LOVE this thing. its great for large tea pearls or rolled oolongs in summer when I cold-brew them.
My two estate sale bone china teacups. $1.50 a PIECE, you can't beat that. the one on the right is from lefton, and the one on the left just says japan on it.
My nalgene and H2JO. This sucks for coffee, I am sorry to say, but for brewing rooibos on a road trip, it is perfect.
My 4L Zojirushi. Best thing my husband has bought for us yet. Yes, it only has four temperatures, BUT, if you know how to manipulate heat right, you can get any temp you want by putting it into different vessels, ect.
And this is where I store it all. Two Rast dressers from Ikea, with an old shelf on top to keep spills contained. My teabags are in the top left drawer, my tea ware in the bottom two left hand drawers. In the right hand dresser are all of my teas. Pu'erh on bottom, tins in the middle, and pouches of loose in the top.

And yes. we have a keurig. I don't use it. I don't drink coffee any more unless I have a pounding caffeine headache. It is mostly there for the convenience of the rest of my household.

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